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Maintaining industries stay in Taiwan, the investment promotion rate of four MOEA new Industrial Parks reached 90%.

To meet the demand for land for Taiwanese businesses returning to set up factories in recent years and to create a better investment environment in the central and southern regions, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has collaborated with Taiwan Sugar Corporation to develop four industrial parks in Jhongpu, Shuishang, Xinshi, and North Kaohsiung. The aim is to create smart industrial clusters with local demand, low pollution, low energy consumption, low impact, and high added value. The Bureau of Industrial Parks (BIPs) of MOEA launched the second phase of investment promotion from 2022 to 2023, attracting over 55 companies to invest, and the average investment promotion rate has exceeded 90%.
The Bureau of Technology Industrial Parks of MOEA stated that the land release policy this time adopts a lease-only approach to reduce the financial pressure on companies to purchase land and avoid land price fluctuations. At the same time, the policy increases the recycling of industrial land use, it has gained favor within a wide range of enterprises. It is estimated that after the completion of investment promotion in all four parks, the total output value could reach NT$46.9 billion. It is expected to provide employment opportunities for over 10,000 people in the Chiayi, Tainan, and Kaohsiung areas and drive economic development in the surrounding areas.
In the Jhongpu and Shuishang Industrial Parks in Chiayi County, manufacturers such as food, wood and paper, metal and plastic products, and machinery manufacturing are attracted to station by traditional industries upgrading. Currently, 17 companies have expressed interest in stationing into parks to operate, with a total leased area of 13.12 hectares. There are still 2.48 hectares of available land for companies to apply for, and an additional 72.92 hectares will be gradually released in different phases.
The Xinshi Industrial Park in Tainan City, through the chain effect of the production environment of surrounding technology (industrial) parks, has attracted industries such as machinery equipment, electronics, and automotive components manufacturing, 12 companies, to station into operate with an area of 13.99 hectares. There is still 1.99 hectares of available land for lease. Additionally, 25.61 hectares will be released in different phases. The North Kaohsiung Industrial Park, located at the hub of the Kaohsiung and Pingtung region, has successfully leased out the entire 25.40 hectares in a short period, attracting 25 companies to station into operation, and achieving remarkable results.
The BIP of MOEA will continue to carry out investment promotion in different phases for each industrial park, providing a secure investment environment. Investors who are interested in setting up operations are welcome to actively submit applications, and it is hoped that businesses will expand their branches in the central and southern regions and work together for success!

Spokesman: Mr. Liu Chi Chuan (Deputy Director General, BIP)
Contact Number: 886-7-3613349, 0911363680

Contact Person: Lin, Yi-Wun (Taipei Office, BIP)
Contact Number: 886-2-265-58300 ext 9501